Saturday, April 05, 2008

Let's try this again...

I tried it once and failed miserably so maybe the 2nd time is a charm...

We moved back to the Creek in the Spring of 2006. Its probably taken at least that long to recover from living in NoVA. Life here is definitely different to say the least. Most days though I'd be hard pressed to not comment on how much better it is.

So here is a quick run down of the constant cast of characters in this drama known as our lives:

Me - blog author and geek mom

Ranger - the ever inquisitive 14yr old

Miss Priss - the 7yr old princess

Sugar - Grandma's cat who seems to prefer the company of Miss Priss these days

Life is never dull around here. We stay pretty busy between work, school, homework, AWANA, Prims, Royal Rangers, and gymnastics. Luckily Grandma and Granddad are around to help out with transporting kids where they need to go. Otherwise kids wouldn't get to where they need to be.